Troubleshooting Your Homes Water Supply

No matter where your homes water comes from, a well, a spring, or the city, problems can exist.  Individual water quality issues are fixed with distinct water treatment solutions. It is our job to help determine what solution will work best in treating and eliminating your homes water issue.  From hardness to foul smells, we have a solution to bring you high quality water throughout your home.  There are several issues that are commonly found in water throughout Michigan homes.

Common issues with your waters quality:

  • Hardness
  • Foul Odors and Taste
  • Mineral Buildup
  • Acidic
  • Arsenic

Hard Water:

Most often homeowners don’t know that they have hard water.  What they do know is that there are spots on their glassware, laundry appears dingy, increased usage of soap, change in the texture of hair and skin, increased energy costs, and scale build up on faucets and such.  Homes affected by a hard water supply have plumbing that tends to age quicker than those who seek to soften the water.  The most common way to treat hard water in your homes water supply is with the installation of a high-quality water softener.

Foul Odors and Taste:

Foul odors and strange tasting water is something extremely noticeable to homeowners.  Water can taste unpleasant metallic, chlorine, or can smell awful like rotten eggs, when this occurs one of the most common treatment options that is suggested is using an activated carbon filtration system.  Backwashing carbon filtration systems are a combination of a large filter filled with activated carbon media.  This removes foul tastes and odors from your whole house water supply leaving you with high quality water throughout the home.

Mineral Buildup:

Homeowners may not notice that they have an accumulation of minerals taking place within their water supply. The most common symptoms of a build up of iron and magnesium include unpleasant metal taste, staining, reddish tinted water, odors, and rust particles in the water. The treatment for a mineral buildup is the installation and usage of an iron filter system.


When the porcelain surfaces start to turn from white and ivory to green and blue green there is an issue with acidic water, low ph within the water.  What this means is that your water supply has acid in it which is causing a corrosion of your pipes and plumbing fixtures.  The fix for the issue of acidic water is with an acid neutralizer using Calcite.


Arsenic is an element found naturally within ground water.  Arsenic within your homes water supply can cause adverse health effects even in low concentrations as it is a carcinogen at high concentrations.  In order to remove arsenic from your water supply homeowners should install an arsenic reduction system.

All water supplies need to be treated on an individual basis as symptoms can also be masked by other occurrences within the water supply.  Free water analysis is done to diagnosis the issues that are found within your homes water to ensure that the treatment options is specific for your water needs.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Water Treatment Systems Improve Homeowners Drinking Water Quality

There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home.  To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality.  Professional water analysis can be done on your homes water to provide you with a more accurate look into the actual issues plaguing your water supply, from rust to arsenic, your drinking water could be affected.

Using the right system to purify the water in your home can help to keep your family healthy.  It is common knowledge that we need eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain personal health; purer, cleaner water dispensed from the faucets in your home help to increase the water that is consumed by your family daily.

There is a major difference between water softeners, conditioners, filtration systems and purification.  It is important to understand that water purification solutions leave valuable minerals in your water supply while eliminating harmful elements that may not be seen or smelt.  Hard water and smelly water issues are not solved with the installation of a purification system however common contaminants such as chlorine, cryptosporidium spores, giardia cysts, viruses, and pharmaceuticals are eliminated.

Not all water needs to be purified so it is crucial to understand the issues with your homes water before purchasing a water treatment system.  Water purification systems go a long way in removing common contaminates that may alter your health.  They can be installed so that they treat the entire supply of water throughout your home or specific areas where water is supplied.

Water softeners unlike water purification systems bring homeowners high quality drinking water by removing iron, rust, odor, sediment, and smells.  Softeners remove the minerals that make the water hard.  Some of the symptoms that your home could benefit from the use of a water softener is dry skins, smelly water, staining, and clogged plumbing.  Water softeners are installed treating the homes entire water supply.  Water softeners can use salt or potassium chloride using a process of ion exchange. 

The water treatment option that is used to bring you quality water will be determined by your water analysis.  There are times when a homes water supply will need more than one treatment solution to bring families quality water.  Hard water can contain contaminants that a water softener will not remove thus a water purification or filtration system needs to be installed either at the point of entry (whole house) or point of use (faucet).

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

4 Ways Water Softeners Improve Your Waters Quality

Water plays an important role in our everyday life and overall well-being, so it’s only prudent to ensure that we have a continuous supply of quality water for our homes, not only for our own good, but for the good of our appliances, energy bills, and of course our wallets.

The most cost-effective way of improving the quality of your water is using a water softener. Why? Water is often described as either hard or soft water.  Most often your water is hard if you have had to call a plumber a couple of times to remove an unsightly scam build-up in your drains.

Hard water is the most prevalent in many households, and it’s considered “hard” because it contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals and impurities, most predominantly calcium and magnesium collected when the water moves through soil and rocks. While they are good minerals for your health, like too much of anything, too many minerals in your homes water can wreak havoc to laundry, household appliances, clog pipes, washing machines, water tanks, boilers, and renders soaps, detergents and cleaning products less effective.

Even though hard water doesn’t seem to pose a health risk, the damages an over-abundance of minerals can do are serious.   Consider the following benefits of using a water softener system.

  • Water Softeners Remove Impurities in Your Homes Water

Water is a great carrier of impurities and installing a water softener system will remove the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals that make water hard troublesome. Using a water softener will prevent iron/rust staining, mineral build up, dry hair and skin, and an abundance of bothersome issues that arise from hard water.

  • Water Softeners Eliminate Limescale Build-Ups

The high mineral content in the form of calcium and magnesium in hard water reacts with detergents, soap, and shampoos creating an abundance of soap scum build-up.  If you’re tired of scrubbing scum build-up around the tub, sinks, or dishes then it is time to use a water softener system as this will help eliminate the build-up and improve the quality of your water.

  • Water Softeners Create Water That Is Soft Thus Better for Your Skin and Hair

Hard water is particularly harsh on the skin especially for people with conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis, because it leaves the skin extra dry and very irritated, thus causing extreme discomfort and more frequent, severe outbreaks. Hard water also makes your hair feel extremely rough and prolonged use can lead to brittle hair and eventually hair breakage.

  • Water Softeners Can Save Users Money Over Time

Hard water decreases the lifespan of your appliances, makes cleaning hard, blocks your pipes. It results in using more water, energy, maintenance bills, cleaning products, and more. Not only will installing a water softener system improve the quality of your water, but it is also affordable to run and use for only a few bucks a year.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

3 Signs You May Need a Water Softener

Are you noticing stains in your kitchen sink?  Is your skin dry and itchy?  These are both signs that you might have an issue with hard water.  The fix for hard water is most often the installation of a whole house water softener.  The installation of a water softening system will improve the natural life of the plumbing within the home, your appliances, your clothing and more.

A water softening system are designed to take out an increase in calcium and magnesium ions be means of an exchange with either sodium or potassium ions.  After this occurs the softening unit will regenerate and cleanse the systems of excess ions until they have been rejuvenated with new sodium or potassium ions.  It is important to know the level of your waters hardness when setting up the rate at which your family uses water.  It is important that the water you use every day is replenished in order to keep the build up of scale within your plumbing at a minimum while helping to improve your water heaters lifespan.

Here are some signs to help you determine if you need a new water softener installed or an older water softener replaced:

There is build up on appliances:

Can you see mineral deposits forming on coffee pot, the dishwasher, or other appliances?  If you can visually see this scale occurring, then image what is happening inside the pipes where you cannot see.  This scale will clog your homes plumbing and make it so that the water is not passing through the pipes as intended.  Hard water brings on a buildup of scale, eventually creating inefficient plumbing.  The hard, chalky substance, scale, is created from a build up of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate.  The technology within water softener systems helps reduce the scale build up with ions exchange technology.

Dry skin and hair:

Extra calcium and magnesium salts within your homes water causes itchy, dry skin and hair.  This is not something that can be overcome with soap and shampoo.  When the build up is too much the water will no longer bring nourishment to your skin and instead it dries it out.  The extra minerals found in the unsoftened water create an environment that doesn’t allow soap to be completely removed from the skin.

Clothing, sheets and blankets:

Are the fabrics within your home looking faded and feeling scratchy on your skin?  This can be do to hard water which contains an excess amount of mineral substances.  It will not matter what kind of laundry soap, softener, or fabric sheets are used while doing laundry, if you are doing your wash in untreated, unsoftened water.  The installation of the right water softener for your home and water can change this.

If you sense an issue with your homes water, it is probably time to have the water tested.  A professional water conditioning company will do a detailed analysis of the water coming into your home and prepare a report offering water treatment solutions to fix the issues with the water in your home.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


What Is the Best Type of Filtration System for the Water in Your Home?

Quality water throughout your home is immensely beneficial from a health perspective and therefore should be free of harmful containment’s before consumption or use.  One way that this can be done is through the use of a whole house water filtration system.  In order to be sure that you install the proper filtration device for the water coming into your home it is important to hire a professional water company to analyze your current water supply.  The experts will then assist you in determining the system that is the most effective, most durable, and most affordable.

There are a number of factors to consider when looking to choose the right filtration system for your home.  The primary factors that experts will be looking into are:

  • How effectively the filter system removes contaminants?
  • How advanced the contamination removal technology is?
  • How affordable the filtration system is?


Through research on contaminants and how filtration systems work homeowners can see how different filtration products are meant to filter out different types on contaminants.   It is helpful for homeowners and water quality experts to identify the contaminants that are existent in the water before they move forward with the decision-making process.  The water quality report is helpful in determining what kind of water is currently coming into your home.  Once the contaminants inside the water are narrowed down, the filtration system choice will be narrowed down further.

Contamination Removal Technology

Most water filtration systems that are used to improve the quality of water coming into your home use similar technology.  It is important that homeowners keep in mind that even though similar not all filtration technologies are created equally.  Carbon filter systems, for example, come in different levels of effectiveness and generally remove contaminants like asbestos, Mercury, and chlorine from the water.  Mechanical filters can assist in removing different types of sediment however will not influence chemical contaminates. Similarly, water softening units use ion exchange technology in order to lower the magnesium and calcium levels but do not have an effect on most other contaminants.


As with any and all home improvements, cost is one of the primary determinants in the decision.  Water conditioning companies, like Reynolds Water Conditioning, will present a variety of systems that meet the homeowners needs.  The cost of filtration will vary significantly between filtration systems depending on the options the systems offer above and beyond the filtration benefits.  Higher end filtration units may offer other benefits such as softening, purification, and conditioning therefore will be more expensive then systems that encompass only the filtration of the water in the home.  If a whole house water filtration system proves to be too costly and under the sink water filtration unit is another option for quality drinking water.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Benefits of Point-Entry and Point-of-Use Water Systems

Safe drinking water is a concern to most homeowners.  Even with existing laws and regulations in place that strive to ensure that everyone has access to clean water many homes have water supplies that are lacking in quality. Measures are often put into place, by homeowners, to increase the quality of the water coming into homes with extra attention being given to the filtration and purification of drinking water.

There are multiple water treatment systems that are available to homeowners, each with their own unique abilities to increase the quality of the water supply in your home.  Two such systems include point of use and point of entry water treatment systems.  Both types of systems are used to soften, condition, purify, or filter that water supply and can be installed for both residential and commercial use.

Using a Point Of Entry Water System

Point of entry water treatment systems connect directly to your homes water line.  A water softener is one type of point of entry water treatment system.  The water softener acts as a central filtration station for the water that is distributed to your entire home or office.  Often a point of entry system is referred to as a whole-house solution for smelly water, hard water, or water with a high mineral count.  These systems are used to remove bad tastes, foul odors, and contaminated before the water reaches your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, or irrigation systems.

Point Of Use System Differnces

On the other hand, a point of use system is installed directly at the source of water retrieval such as out door spickets, kitchen faucets, bathroom sinks, and showers.  Most homeowners choose a point of use system in addition to a point of entry system.  For instance, if your homes water has been found to have high levels of arsenic in it a point of use system arsenic removal system can be installed to prevent arsenic from entering your drinking water where as the water in your showers is fine to use even with low levels of arsenic.  Point of use water treatment systems are often cheaper than point of entry systems as they are only being used to provide filtration to one source.

Benefits of Using Either Option For Water Treatment

There are multiple benefits that homeowners receive from using point of entry and point of use water treatment systems.

  • Point of use and point of entry filtration systems help keep your home safe from contaminants and chemicals that are found at the water source. Installing both systems will help ensure the water is free of contamination both from the source and just before it’s expelled from your tap.
  • A point of use filtration system can work well in isolation and it is an economical filtration system which can only be installed at a single water outlet.
  • When used together, point of use and point of entry systems can help ensure that you and your family have maximum protection from water contaminants which can cause illnesses. Adding a water softener into the system guarantees that your water is not just safe for consumptions but adequate for other use such as bathing and cleaning.


At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Water Softener vs Water Filtration

When it comes to treating the water that comes into your home we know that you have a lot of questions and concerns.  With the number of options available in treating residential water quality it can become quite difficult to differentiate between the products available and their purpose.  The question we get most often is regarding the difference between water filtration and water softening.  In this installment we will look at the differences and how you know what the best option for your home is.  Of course, as always FREE water analysis is available through Reynolds Water Conditioning Co; our experts will better be able to evaluate your need in person.

Let’s start by looking at what each system is and what it offers to the quality of water that you will end up with using each specific water treatment option.

Water Softeners

Water softeners are installed to soften the water within your home.  They are designed to remove only that materials and containments within the water that create hard water including magnesium and calcium.  Two general types of water softening units exist: water softeners that use salt to chemically modify the water and those that use potassium, otherwise known as salt-free water softeners.

Water Filtration

Water filtration is a general term used to describe many different options in removing contaminants from water including rust, iron, arsenic, copper, sediment, pesticides, and even hormones that enter water supplies through industrial or pharmaceutical waste.  There are two types of systems to consider in water filtration: whole house filtration and point-of-use water filtration systems.

Although similar in nature you can see how each uses specific technology to improve the quality of water.  What option(s) you choose will depend on your specific water quality.  Some homeowners may find that even after they have installed a water filtration unit they are still left with hard water.  The water quality may be better but still hard affecting their skin, appliances, clothing, and so forth.  In this case the best option may be to install a whole house water softener with a point-of-use water filtration system to maximize your homes water quality.

Do You Have Issues With Your Water?

If you suspect issues with your homes water quality, does it smell bad, stain, or create residue build up, or have recently found out through a home inspection that the quality of the water entering your home is sub-par it is imperative that you reach out to the water quality experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning Company.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

What Type of Water Treatment System Does Your Home Need?

In today’s world where we are surrounded by all sorts of impurities, filtered water is becoming a necessity. Our health is largely based on the amount of high quality drinking water we take in every day. It is crucial that the water we are drinking does not contain harmful chemicals, pollutants, parasites, organic waste, and other imperfections.   There are several ways that one can go about procuring drinking water such as buying bottled water, but a better long run solution is to treat the water that is entering your home.  It is also crucial that water treatment systems are maintained and running efficiently to ensure the quality of your families drinking water.

How Water Softeners Work

A water softener is a water treatment device that uses chemical methods to reduce the level of hardness of water.  Depending on the type of water flows into your home you may need to use a water softener to ensure that your family’s water is free of excess minerals and elements that cause damage.  A professionally installed water softener can drastically remove the hardness factor of the water entering your home and can transform it into soft, safe, usable water.

Hard water is not only harmful to ingest it can give you a tough time with cleaning, washing, soap removal, and maintaining health.  If the hardness is removed from the water sufficiently then the soft water that is produced in the process will be as good as any other natural soft water.

Using Additional Iron Filters

A whole house water softener with an additional iron filter can be effective in purifying your water and improving your health.  When your home or business has extremely hard water, a water softener with an iron filter can most often take care of the problem.  These units are unlike regular activated carbon filters.  They are specifically designed to remove iron and when the filter is full it flushes the iron deposits down the drain and begins the process over again.  This seems to be a more common occurrence with drilled wells than municipal water sources.

Iron deposits in the water table often find their way into wells.  The amount in water can vary a great deal from different areas.  Some areas only have a trace amount of iron while neighboring wells could be producing orange-tinted water that leaves stains on fixtures with in the home.  Water softeners that use additional iron filters remove toxic, heavy metals from drinking water.  These systems are highly recommended for their ability to effectively block iron, Sulphur, manganese, sediment, and turbidity from water. Before choosing a system, it is crucial to have your homes water tested by a professional water treatment company.

Using Reverse Osmosis to Treat Water

Another option to treat water is reverse osmosis.  A reverse osmosis water softening system uses hydraulic pressure is put on the water to act against the osmotic pressure naturally occurring in water.  Purified water is then collected on the lower part of the membrane.  This three-stage process purifies water, renders it clean, softens water, and then adds necessary minerals that add an amicable taste to the water.

Reverse osmosis water softener produces purified water containing no salts, sugars, ions or molecules that have been dissolved before filtration. With this method water will not have the same pleasant taste of other types of filtration. Over 97% of the hardness in water passed through reverse osmosis water softener is removed by the process. The most vital function of this filtration system is that it kills the bacteria and germs in the water.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Which Water Treatment System Is Best For Your Home?

Having a water softener installed in your home makes most homeowners feel good about the quality of their drinking water.   However, depending on your homes water a softener may not be enough to remove the contaminants that are still in the water that you drink, use to wash food, cook with, and more.  A reverse osmosis system can eliminate the contaminants from your softened water including a solid percentage of the sodium left in the water after the softening process.

There are a number of reason that a water softener and reverse osmosis system work well together.   A water softener protects a reverse osmosis unit.  A reverse osmosis system is not as efficient at removing or reducing calcium and magnesium, the contents of hard water, as a water softening unit.  Installing a water softener in combination with a RO system reduces the hardness level in the water acting as a protective level for the reverse osmosis unit keeping it from layer containments within the system and in turn extending the life of the system.

Another reason the two systems work well together is because they improve the quality of the families drinking water.  Many people that install a whole house water softener also desire the installation of an under the sink reverse osmosis system in the kitchen.  This type of system can be installed to service the kitchen tap, the refrigerator lines, or both.

A reverse osmosis unit takes your water softener to the next level helping to make sure the quality of your drinking water better.  A water softener and reverse osmosis system work together.  The softener gives you soft water throughout the house by eliminating minerals in the hard water while a RO unit increases the purity of the drinking water by removing impurities.

Once a water softener has been installed homeowners will notice a savings in energy expenses, increased appliance lifecycle, and a decrease in the usage of soaps and detergents.  In fact, a water softener quickly pays for itself quickly.  Reverse Osmosis owners find the same to be true as well.  Once a RO unit has been installed the need for bottled water is non-existent.  A water softener and a reverse osmosis system work together to reduce expenses and provide high quality drinking water.

If you already have a water softener installed call a water professional to help you choose the best reverse osmosis system to install.  You want the RO unit to work in conjunction with one another and not compromise or interfere with the water softener.  A little research will tell you what type of warranty the system has as well as the how filter maintenance exists.

Having a whole house water softener installed in conjunction with a reverse osmosis system allows you to give your family high quality drinking water.  RO systems remove impurities that are still found in tap water after it has been run through a water softener.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website



Picking A Suitable Well Water Iron Filter

Using a water softener system has been shown to extend the life expectancy of plumbing because it eliminates scale build-up in pipes and fittings. Not only does hard water clog your plumbing but it also reduces the efficiency of your water heater and other household appliances.

You know that the water you are using is hard if soaps and detergent do not dissolve or lather easily and you have probably noticed that your once shiny silverware now appear dull and do not have that sparkle after washing them. Hard water is also known to dry the skin and hair and leave white mineral deposits on your surfaces.

Some homeowners don’t mind using hard water, aside from the annoying scale buildup in the plumbing system. However, if increasing the efficiency of your appliances, plumbing, and heating is your goal installing a whole house water softener with a special filter for iron will get the job done.

The whole house water softener with a special iron filter, is a chemical and maintenance-free process designed to remove water hardness including iron that causes the red staining and rust in your toilet bowls, sinks, and appliances. The system eliminates that iron-tasting and rotten egg odor which originates from well and city water that has high amounts of iron and manganese.

A water softener with an iron water filter unit is economical, it requires much less space and it’s easy to operate because it replenishes itself on demand in a process that washes the stored iron out of the filter bed and down the drain. Every home needs something unique to their water needs and therefore only after a water analysis is performed should a water treatment system be purchased.

A reverse osmosis water softener is a home water filtration system that uses pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane that allows it to pass through while blocking up to 99% of impurities and contaminants.  In addition to producing safe, clean, and the purest quality of water, the reverse osmosis water softener is convenient to use.  It is easy to clean and only requires a periodic replacement of disposable filters.

A reputable water conditioning company will be able to assess your family’s needs and install a water treatment solution that is designed specifically for your water and usage.  Quality drinking water is a need for all homes.  A proper water softener can not only improve your homes water quality.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website